This is the fifth book in the series and its about how the girls of Octavian Country Day, except for Kristen who cant afford the trip and has to stay home ni Westcheseter alone,pack up all of their warmest clothes and board the bus to got on the Presidents Day class trip to Lake Placid. Close to the girls cabins are the Briarwood boys just a few feet away. Massie sets up a group called M.U.C.K. that means Massies Underground Clinic for Kissing. Alicia gets mad at Claire cause Josh likes Claire more than her and ended up kissing her when Claire was supose to be meeting Cam.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
The Pretty Committee Strikes Back
The Wrestling Match Review
In the book The Wrestling Match, Okie was the leader of his age group of boys. I think that he made a good leader even though he was angered and confused about life after the murder of his parents in the Nigerian Civil War. Okies uncle Obi Abigalga was a good character in the book. He took Okie in when his parents were murdered and got him educated so that he would have a better chance at making money than have him work on the farm for the rest of his life. This story is a good book on learning how and what it takes to be a great leader like Okie was for his age group in the village. |
End of Jr. Year=/
My junior year has been some ride. I made new friends, I lost old friends, and I got back in touch with some older friends but it has been a great year and I wouldnt change anything about it. I have made soo many memorys this year and most of them I will never forget. I have thought a lot this year about how I only have one more year of high school and I think it is very sad. It makes me feel like Im really old and grown up. Me and my friends have talked about how we just want to go back to 5th grade where everyone from different schools all joined together at the middle school. Nobody knew anyone and we were all in the same position, basically alone and waiting to meet the new friends that we while spend the rest of our jr. high and high school grades with. No drama, no fighting, just kids meeting new friends that they will have for the rest of their life. Well now that I have one more year left of seeing these people Ive seen everyday for the past 7 years, I want to get closer with all of them this summer and have the time of our lives! Im happy that I have got my junior year over with but Im sad at the same time because now I only have one more year then I am done! |
Best Friends For Never=)
This is the second book in the Clique book series. It is by Lisi Harrison. The series is so far is about 4 popular rich pretty girls that rule the school of OCD. The main girl is Massie Block, she is the richest, prettiest, and spoiledest(idont know if thats a word) of them all but in this book she decides that she is going to throw her grades first girl/boy halloween party. She will do anything to do it besides that she does not the idea of inviting her entire class or sharing it with Claire. Claire is the girl whose family has moved into Massies guest house. She is not very pretty and she does NOT have money, but she is going to do whatever it takes to get into the Clique if it takes her the rest of her life. Then theres Dylan Marvil. Her mom is a talk show host for one of the biggest shows in the country. She ends up losing wieght and is trying to get a guy that Kristen likes. Also we have Kristen Gregory. She pretends that she is rich but she really is not but she shares clothes with Alicia and the rest of the girls. Last we have Alicia Rivera. She is the most beautiful of the group and that makes Massie jealous. So the story is that the group is throwing a Halloween get together, Claire wants to be in the group but is not accepted... yet... |
Monday, May 18, 2009
The way Eliezer told his story in Night of how he was treated in the concentration camp and all throughout the Holocaust was extremely sad. I think that no one should of had to go through that and its sad that some people actually thought it was right for them to treat people the way that they did. Eliezer was lucky that he lived through out the Holocaust, but after that he was scarred for the rest of his life with the memories of everything in the concentration camps, the hanging of the sad faced angel, the murder of everyone.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Favorite Internet Thing/Web-Based Web Tool
My favorite internet thing/web-based web tool would have to be the blogs. I've never had a blog before this year but I kind of like them now that I understand them. At first when i got on the computer and Mrs. Gillmore was saying to do all of this and that, I got reeeaaalllyyy confused and didnt like the blogs at all. I also kept forgetting my password and login name . So finally I started figuring out how they worked so i ended up liking them better! So now its my favorite internet thing/web-based web tool!
Interesting or Disturbing?
Working on my research paper i have learned some interesting but mostly disturbing things. The disturbing would be the parts where it tellls about killing some of the disabled people and the children. The ways that they killed were kind of both interesting and disturbing because its hard for me to think of how some one could do that to another person just for the fun of it. Its interesting to think of how one person could hate an entire population of people without them doing anything wrong to him to begin with.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
My View On The Holocaust..
My view on the Holocaust was that I think that it was stupid for the Nazi's to take a race of people and try to kill them all off just for the heck of it. That would be like Obama saying "Okay everyone who has blonde hair needs to be taken to a camp where they will all be executed." It was just unfair and called for time. Anyone who has a heart and is not crazy would most definatly agree with me. So my over view of the Holocaust was that it was not needed and that the world could live without it. |
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Spring Break!!=D
Spring break was just too short for me. I had a lot of fun though! From Friday to Wednesday I just hung out with my friends around town, but Thursday me and my family+Betsy went to Sherman ,Texas. We went and stayed with my family out there. Thursday, since we got there so late we just hung out around the house. While we were just about to get in bed my uncle said that a tornado was about to come our way, so we had to hide under the stairs for 30 mins. Friday we woke up, went shopping until it started pouring down rain and started to flood. Later in the day we went to a Mavericks game and I have never had that much fun at a basketball game! It was soooo much fun! Saturday, we went shopping in Frisco at the GrapeVine mall. Then we went to Dallas to the Galleria and we(me and Betsy) ice skated. I got a blister on my foot from it and it still hurts.=( Then Sunday me, Betsy, and my dad flew home, while my mom drove to Shrievport Louisana to work on a new project. It was Betsys first time on a plane and after that I decided that I was never going to be at another one of her first expiernces. =) Anyways, spring break was a lot of fun but way too short..
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Couragious Kelsey cuddled, kindley and quietly with Canadian King Kyle Cory Christopher, while carrying quarts of coke and carefully coaching Karen, Cody, Courtney, Kambri, Kathryn, Caitlin, Kathleen, Kirbi, Kristen, Kristine, Kassie, Catie, Kayla, Kaylie, Kaylin, Keely, Keith, Cameron, Carly, Colton, and Kevin in crafty kitchen cooking, and confidently keepy count of careless, cafinated, cooperative kids in cages in a cafeteria, while also creating the Cactus Catepillar Cajun Kangaroo Cake Cafe in Kenya, California in a contempt manner of correcting Kim, Kendra, Kelly, Kiley, Keri, Clide, Collin, Connor, Kumar, Kenny, and Kirks calculas cards before Christmas and Kris Kringle comes so they can consume kernal corns, kidney beans, and king crab after kindergarten with cousins Kyle and Kendal, in a cougars cave in Cave City, Kentucky.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Thoughts On The End Of Level Literacy Test
In the beginning when I heard that we were going to have to take a end of level test on literacy stuff, I wasn't happy at all. I didn't want to come to school on the days we had it but honestly, I didnt think that the test was that bad after it was all over.
I mean yeh it took two days of testing on only english, but it wasn't really that hard. From all the breaks, it was just like we were in normal school when we switch classes. Also, the food Mrs. Gillmore brought was great! She brought cookies, cakes, puppy chow, chips, fruit, trail mix and all sorts of stuff.
Anyways, I wouldnt mind to take it again. So theres no need to worry if you have to take the test next year because it wont be that hard and if you have Mrs. Gillmore because she made it easy.=)
I mean yeh it took two days of testing on only english, but it wasn't really that hard. From all the breaks, it was just like we were in normal school when we switch classes. Also, the food Mrs. Gillmore brought was great! She brought cookies, cakes, puppy chow, chips, fruit, trail mix and all sorts of stuff.
Anyways, I wouldnt mind to take it again. So theres no need to worry if you have to take the test next year because it wont be that hard and if you have Mrs. Gillmore because she made it easy.=)
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I have just finished reading Eclipse and I thought that it was really good. I loved the susupense going throughout the whole book leading up to where Victoria and Bella meet for the last time. Edward and Jacob go take such percautions to keep Bella safe. Edward doesnt even go to the family fighting so that he can be with her. Jacob stays with her just as much as Edward does, and I thought that showed major signs of how much they loved her. Anyways, this book was awesome and i recomend it to everybody if they've read Twilight and New Moon..
BTW.. This book was over 600 pages so it counts as 2 books so I think Im only doing 1 post on it=P
Thursday, February 5, 2009
13 Reasons Why.
I have just finished the book "13 Reasons Why" and it was a book that really taught me about how other people feel. In the book, the main character, Hannah, was feeling a lot more of depression that she showed to anyone. I dont think that I've been mean to anyone intentionally, but niether did Clay. He actually had a crush on Hannah and he still recieved the 13 tapes of why Hannah had commited suicide. I know for sure that I never want to be the reason for someone else's death. This book has affected me a lot to be nicer to a lot of people and I think that some people should probably think about doing the same. |
Well.. I dont really know what it means but I looked up a definition for it and it says>a desire for wealth and material possessions with little interest in ethical or spiritual matters. That makes me think of a person that is fake or someone who doesnt really care what it takes for them to have everything they've ever asked for but their going to get it not matter what. It doesnt really sound like a good thing to me, nothing that I would want my name to be in the same sentence with. So to the point, materialism sounds like a bad thing to me.=S |
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